Alexa Dental

Call Us: (713) 777-8743 (Eng) (832) 996-7856 (Spanish)

5858 South Gessner Rd Suite 104 Houston TX 77036

Preventative Dental Maintenance Visit

Modern medicine has blessed us with the ability to live longer lives. In 1960, the average life expectancy for an American was 69.4 years, in 2016 it is 79.26. That is a 14% increase. The older we get, the more maintenance our bodies need. Whether it be prescription drugs for cholesterol or high blood pressure, cataract surgery, joint replacement, or a hearing aide. Our bodies tend to wear out and we may need some help to maintain normal function. Our oral health is no different.

The goal of Preventive Dental Maintenance is to reduce the amount of dentistry you may need to maintain normal function. Our lifestyles are high stress and fast paced. Our diets are often lacking and our habits (too little sleep, smoking, sugary drinks, etc.) all stress our ability to maintain our oral health. As your dental professionals, we partner with you to help you achieve and maintain oral health. We provide guidance to help you achieve excellent home care and we will make recommendations for any necessary treatments.

What does the phrase “oral health” mean to you? No new cavities at your dental checkup? That’s certainly part of it. But it’s really so much more than a lack of tooth decay. Good oral health means a mouth that’s free of disease — which can range all the way from mild gingivitis (gum inflammation) to oral cancer; a bite that functions well enough for you to eat without pain and get ample nutrition; and a smile that lets you express your happiest emotions with confidence. Simply put, oral health is a crucial component of your overall health and well-being.

Optimal Oral Health simply means the absence of Oral disease:
• Absence of Infection (Tooth and Gum)
• Absence of inflammation (gingivitis and/or periodontitis)
• Absence of tooth decay
• Absence of failing restorations
• Adequate natural teeth or adequate restored missing teeth to allow proper eating, speech, and esthetics
• Absence of Precancerous or cancerous growths
• Absence or control of parafunction (grinding or clenching)
Our practice promotes Preventive Maintenance Dentistry. What does that mean?
Prevention means the action of stopping something from happening or arising. The goal
of Preventive Dental Care is to prevent loss of oral health and allow you to achieve and
maintain function.

Components of Preventive Maintenance Dentistry:
o Home Care
o Brushing
o Interdental cleaning (flossing, waterpik, Interproximal brushes, etc.)
o Mouth Rinses
o Oral habits
o Diet

Continuing Care Dental Visits:
Our hygienists and I will complete a thorough evaluation of your oral health at each
visit. You can expect us to complete:
o A review of your health history
o A review of your dental history
o Blood pressure screening
o Necessary Digital X-rays
o Enhanced Oral Cancer Screening with the Velscope
o Necessary images and photography